20:16 video
Brooke Thomsen had no idea what she was getting into when she agreed to be suspended in a "Shibari Style" rope bondage suspension. She had seen pictures but since the only rope she knows is western style damsel in distress bondage, she wasn't really sure how to process whether she was uncomfortable or not. Or whether we should go on or not. Whether she was ok or not. So of course I took advantage of that and kept making it harder and harder. This is a very unique look at an unusual kind of bondage for us Damsel in Distress lovers who think that suspension bondage might not be as hot as other ties. This is freakin hot!!
12:36 video
Next Ashley is transistioned into another classic tie. A strappado. She got a short reprieve from the ballgag in the last scene but the ropes stay on the whole time! At first the strappado is pulled up high and tight and she is left to suffer in that for a while and that jaw stretching ballgag goes back in. Then the arms are lowered a bit so I can pull her neck to her knees for a very uncomfortable bent over position. Ya gotta love a good strappado!
13:29 video
I enter the safehouse and walk to where I keep her. I call it my safehouse because I don't like to take chances on losing what I worked so hard to get. I see the heavy iron prison door first and am glad it's still locked. I peer through the bars and see that she is still there. Just like I left her. Bound by wrists and ankles. Relief. I unlock the door and order her out. She is new to being tied up and doesn't know how to move well yet. She is clumsy but she does know that when I give her an order, she needs to do it right away. So I start to add more bondage. Then a gag. She doesn't even bother fighting me anymore. It doesn't do her any good and if she's not careful she might piss me off. I make her real uncomfortable but not too uncomfortable. I like to watch her suffer but if she from it being too tight she stops struggling. Then I sit back and just watch as the ropes and the hogtie start their work. She should be crying soon. Love that.
10:49 video
I do so love to let the bondage do the work and just sit back and watch. Brooke looks so sexy in ANY bondage but I really like her elbows tied together tightly. I had a nice predicament planned but there were two unexpected bonuses in this particular one. With her tightly tied wrists connected to the bottom of the bed by a rope ratchet and her neck rope connected to the top with slack in it, as I pulled the rope ratchet, with that lovely sound of click, click, click, she had no choice but to bend her knees and start the thigh burn. What I didn't expect were the sexy positions it caused her to move into. Her hips would cock out on way then another as she fought to survive this grueling predicament. Her ankles were hobbled because I thought she might try to climb up on the bed if I didn't. So she ended up with short little steps back n forth as she tried to find a more comfortable positions. Of which there were none. lol The other part I loved was that I KNEW eventually she would tire out completely not be able to hold herself up any more. I tightened the rope ratchet from time to time to speed this process along. I thought she would eventually beg for release. While she did make lovely whimpering noises and even told me through the spyder gag that she hated me (Which makes me soooo happy) she never did beg to save her life. But her legs did give out. Be sure to watch to the end.
11:34 video
This bondage purist clip opens with Ashley tied in rough jute rope in wide, tight wraps in her favorite of all ties, the hogtie. She is laying there so serene and happy, struggling in her ropes...then I come along and ruin it all for her. Not really though because she secretly likes it rough. First I stand her up on her knees and add a ballgag that is just a bit too big for her. It stretches her jaw, which hurts pretty bad by the end. Then all the slack is taken out of the hogtie rope by lifting her legs and pulling hard. But the clincher is the hairtie. Once the hair is pulled back that big ballgag is XXXX deep into her mouth and THAT LOOKS SOOO HOT!!
9:36 video
Brooke the maid has cleaned Lew's place several times but he always has suspicions about her trustworthiness. So he hid and waited during her next visit. Sure enough his instincts were right! Now she will pay!(This is part of a ballet slipper custom)
20:07 video
I'm finally starting to get a little more comfortable with Ashley. And as I do, I can push her harder and harder. I love a good strappado and when it's combined with frogged legs it's a pretty difficult position. As you watch you'll see her trying to sit to her side and get off those super uncomfy frogged legs. Sitting on them the way it's XXXX in this clip makes them even more uncomfortable because all her weight is on the legs and the ties. There are several adjustments and with each comes more pain.
17:03 video
Naivety. Sometimes ya just gotta love it. When I told Brooke I was going to tape her up with 2" red electrical tape she said "Ohhh...pretty" and didn't seem to be a bit worried. Don't you just love watching those eyes change from 'happy go lucky' to OMG!! To make it worse I pulled out a scary single tail whip and cracked it loudly near her. It scared her so well that I chased her around with it. I never hit her once but she was squirming around all over the place to avoid being hit. Quite lovely to watch. Also quite tight. She finally had to red near the end because of hands hurting.
16:59 video
Ashley loves the roughest, scratchiest rope I can find. This stuff is so rough that I get slivers just handling it. So you can bet her body gets all chewed up by it. The thing maybe she doesn't know is that mean rope makes me meaner. I tie tighter with it, I pull it through harder, burning her with every pull. So once the wrist ankle part of the tie is done, I tie the bamboo rod into her mouth. Making sure that she tucks her chin in while I tighten it. See that's the key to making a gag stay in. Then I tie her waist down, then tie her torso and pull it back and up. Arching her back right to the edge of too tight. Now comes the really mean part. See with that chin tuck when the gag goes in, she can't even lift her head too high without XXXX that gag tighter and deeper into her mouth. So by pulling her head up by the bamboo it jams that thing so far back into her mouth that the outsides of her lips start to turn white. Stretched so tight that can't even get to them properly. If you watch close there is a point when she can't even hold onto the bamboo rod and it slides deeper into her mouth and pulls her lips over her teeth. Right then she stops even trying to fight her bondage for a few seconds. And any fight after that is involuntary. She is just trying anything she can to survive at that point. Then the gag slips deeper again. Be careful what you ask for Ashley
10:11 video
Brooke starts out in a fairly basic sausage tie and rolls around on the bed erotically for a bit, then I come in and connect a rope to her ankles and lift that sexy ass of hers just off the bed. It looked so pretty hanging there that I couldn't resist smacking it a few times. She thrashes and bucks trying to avoid the little stinging slaps I'm giving her but she can't go far can she? I let her down from that and connect the ankle rope to the side of the bed but I don't tie it yet. Then I start pushing her off the other side of the bed while slowly letting out the ankle rope. Once her smackable ass is sticking out nicely again, I tie that ankle rope off. Then I leave her there to think about it.
20:33 video
No acting, no damsel, no role playing in this one. I try to distract Brookes attention in this clip so I can try to sneak in a very tight tie. We start out just talking about things while I add rope. Once a lot of tight rope is added, I tell her I want to just test the position by having her stand. While I had her there, I made it seem like what I had planned wouldn't work so I needed to just tie her in the standing position now by her elbows to test the position.
17:31 video
Glam model Ashley Lane comes by for a "Glam shoot" and I'm sorry but I don't do no glam shoots! But she is so hot I'll invite her over and tie her up whether she likes it or not! And she does not as it turns out. Talk about pissed off! I had to pay her double to keep her from calling the cops!
13:29 video
I do like a good frog tie but what I don't like is girls escaping. Frogged legs are hard to escape from but with frogged arms, one arm can just reach over to the other to untie it. So right from the start I plastic wrap her . That stopped that before we even got started! From there it was downhill for Brooke and all uphill for us. I let her roll around that way for a bit. She is surprised by how much she can move around in the tie. Then I start to slow down that movement. First, a rope from each arm to each leg. She thinks that as bad as it's going to get. Then I connect a rope ratchet to each side. She still doesn't get it and giggles a little. Then comes the slow click, click, click.... A little at a time. back n forth. One side then the other. Once her back is nicely arched she thinks THAT is the end of it. Not even. Then I add a ratchet for her head harness ballgag. Once that is tightened she is very uncomfortable. But more is coming deary....
7:18 video
Evie was just pissing me off that day and I just wanted her out of my way for a while. I KNOW she was being just so she could get tied up. So I thought, what better way to teach her the old cliche "Be careful what you ask for." Strappado arms up, neck tied down so she could get NO relief. Ankles together so balance was hard. Crybaby Evie was calling me back right away and bawling within minutes. Snot coming out of her nose and drool out of her mouth. I'm feeling better already.
35:29 video
Drea and I went to Germany twice this year. Once for BoundCon, which we LOVE! The second time for Venus Fair in Berlin, which is Europes version of AVN. We did Stage shows all weekend. Drea and I both will be putting up clips from that. Here you will get to see exactly what we do for stage shows. Unedited, full length.
19:33 video
I drag this last one in like she's a rag doll. Sure she's kicking and fighting and trying to scream but after you've done a couple hundred of these it's all the same. She ain't getting away but I get a kick out of the struggle anyway. So I make her kneel on the floor and pin her arms with my legs so I can get her gagged. Then I can play around with her a bit. A little cat n mouse ya know? Let her believe that she almost got away, then reel her in again. While I'm wrestling around with her I take her top off and then her skirt. Dam! She's a sexy little thing! So I tie her to the chair by pulling her arms down tight at the back of the chair then I grab an ankle and pull it back and up and tie it to the chair. Once both ankles are tied she is spread wide. I can tell this is gonna be fun. I leave and let her struggle that way for a while. She ain't going nowhere. When I come back I change her position a bit to make her more....accessible. I'll leave her that way now. All spread wide open with all those girly parts showing. Let her think about what's coming....
15:35 video
Ashley suffers another tough tie at the hands of the bad guy.
20:45 video
This is an impromptu stage performance Zonah and I did a few years ago. It shows the whole process of a basic one leg inversion suspension. Zonah was really acting it up on this one and she made a tough tie look easy
5:43 video
While I was doing a photoshoot out in the woods with Viridian Vixen I asked her casually if she would mind doing a little video just for fun. She said sure! When I told her what I want on the video, she hesitated, then said sure! Ha ha. I love it when they say sure. The shoot was beautiful...green trees and moss, fuschia rope and fuschia high heels.... the video was surprising. And sexy. And hot.
20:22 video
Yay for all of us that these custom guys come along! What a great combination of bondage fun! Drea goes up in a very uncomfy position and cums for us over and over. VERY hot!
18:32 video
Not sure if all you guys know or not, there is a kinda new tape out there that fuses to itself. No sticky stuff on it at all. Once it touches itself it sticks tight and won't even separate without tearing. Believe it or not Drea Morgan told me about it. So I went right out and bought some, experimented with it a little and decided to let one of my fav locals models help me test it well. First I had her make a . And I wrapped it, then the other. I knew I wanted to make a tape armbinder but I thought since that wouldn't last very long, that I'd test the new tape as a hood too. And it looked so amazing!! Shiny as latex but more form fitting than ANY latex! Then the armbinder went on and it all looked amazing. I wanted to do more but that was already $50 worth of tape!! And talk about a tight armbinder!! She needed out after only a few minutes. Need more self fusing tape. Gotta try again. You agree?
15:26 video
Holy moly Brooke is sexy in this clip!! Just her in a little black dress and 6 inch stilettos and lots of hard tough rope. I went in with no plan and just rolled with it. I can only do this with someone I know well. And it seems we are getting to know each other well enough. This is bondage purist stuff. No story line. And as I tied it turned me on and that makes me tie tighter and meaner. I personally think this is one of the hottest videos I have made. And Brooke is so dam sexy struggling in it!
13:15 video
Heavy leather is the name of the game today. I start with her standing so she has to balance on high heels while I'm doing the tie. Adding strap after strap and pulling them tight. Then I lay her on the floor and really crank it on
16:13 video
I started to explain to Miss Lupo what my next plan was and she decided to just let me sneak up on her with it. As I began the tie she watched closely wondering what would happen. Once her wrists were tied overhead and each knee tie spread out, something clicked for her and she said ", You are going to take the stool out right? I told her she was a very smart girl. This one was tricky to get set up just right.....but well worth the wait.