11:59 video
Lew's gf Brooke has a bad habit of taking selfies and send them out for the whole world to see and lew has told her over and over again to stop. This time when he caught her he is pissed. He tells her that she is going to spend the whole night tied up again for it. Again? Did you ever think Lew, that make Brooke LIKES to be tied up all night? She doesn't seem all that upset about it.
12:49 video
The ol "Glam Shoot" con has been around for a while now but it never ceases to amaze me how many girls fall for it. Sure I have good references but that's only cuz if I'm gonna do something that could mess up my references then I'm going to be very careful about covering my tracks. And this girl...wow...so hot! And so stupid. And I'm gonna have so much fun....
20:51 video
For our first tie with new local cutie Evie, we do our typical getting to know each other hogtie. And we get a couple surprises out of this adorable kinkster. First, as soon as rope starts going on she decides to put up a struggle! We like strugglers. Often they are an excuse to tie a little tighter. She is also very energetic and plays the fetch game with vigor...if a little first timer clumsiness. She told me before we started that in bdsm play she sometimes cries. And she did. But since it's a consensual cathartic release kinda cry, it's ok. In fact it kinda turned this sadist on!
15:31 video
Ya, she turns pink alright but I ain't talkin bout the rope color. Maybe it's her embarrassment at getting caught? Maybe it comes from how hard she has to struggle to try to get away? The rope color was just ta compliment the color her face turns once the neck rope goes on and that slow click, click, click of the ratchet starts tightening it. She had better start struggling harder if she doesn't want MY happy ending.
12:52 video
In this last installment of Ashleys ordeal, our heros (the bad guys) put Ashley up on the online slave market. The good bad guys order her through humiliating positions to show off her....assets? And many other good parts. The bidding was going routinely until her badge was thrust into her garter belt and it was announced that she was a cop. Then the bidding went crazy and she was sold to the highest bidder, who ordered immediate shipping. This was a custom ordered storyline
17:50 video
In this episode Ashley, now broken and ready for more training is told to perform a "made Dressing" exercise. Her true submissive nature comes out in all it's glory and it's a beautiful thing to behold. Her expressions so natural, her desire to please so apparent. If you like watching a brand new slave dressing for her new masters pleasure all the while chained by the neck to the bed, then this clip is for you.This was a custom ordered storyline.
12:40 video
Now it's time for Ashley to pay for that little escape attempt...as lame as it was... In this portion of Ashley the captured cop, she finds out just how good these bad guys are at bondage. The finished the bondage so quickly that she only wakes up AFTER the main bad guy is walking out saying: Lets see you get out of that!! While we enjoy her struggling, it is quite clear that she is going nowhere. Even if she did get loose from the leather straps, she is neck chained to the bed. But tight bondage as a form of discomfort is quite effective and Ashley is ready to submit to get out of it. So the bad guy starts releasing her....but what is next?This was a custom ordered storyline.
6:29 video
In this very short but sweet clip, Ashley does indeed manage to get her ankles loose but the elbow ropes are going nowhere! And after a brief and unsuccessful attempt to remove her gag, she gives up....gets up...and runs for it! She runs so fast in fact - always looking behind her - that she barely stops before running into the smiling bad guy. As she starts backing away, the henchman steps out behind her and she backs right into him! This henchman is quite the pervert and his boss lets him have some fun with her before throwing her body over his shoulder for a nice long OTS carry of her XXXX body. In fact WHILE she is still on the Henches shoulder, bad guy number one removes her elbow ropes and tape gag. She never flinches once! Then we fade out as they start to take her into the bedroom for more fun. This was a custom ordered storyline.
15:10 video
Cop Ashley breaks into the lair of the bad bondage guys and finds out why these guys are professionals. Within seconds the main bad guy grabs her, throws her down and controls her easily. While handgagging her with one hand, he opens her purse with the other only to discover that she is a cop! Well, well, well.... Now what to do? She might have back up! Best get her under total control then and make some calls. So he rolls her over and cuffs her with her own cuffs. While she is laying there all sexy and and helpless, he thinks maybe there is time for one more slave auction before leaving the area. After removing most of her clothing, he hogties her and goes to make those calls. Ashley the cop does not just lay there and take it though! She struggles and struggles and slowly gets her hands free! But she still has her ankles and elbows tied! Can she get loose and get away? Stay tuned for part 2!!This was a custom ordered storyline.
11:09 video
This was me n Brooks first tie of our first shoot ever. I gave her very little guidance as she is an experienced bondage model and I wanted to see what she would do on her own. I did say that I preferred "Damsel Light" as opposed to wild n crazy struggling. This is what she came up with:
13:20 video
I FINALLY got my greedy hands and ropes on the gorgeous Brooke Thomsen!!So I took advantage.And she took it like a champ. I have this sneaky little hogtie addition that really slows down those wigglers. I added it here for the first time in a long time. Add that to one of the hottest models out there and I'm thinking you'll all like this clips as much as I liked making it!
9:08 video
In this last clip Ashley is put into a diabolical position which at first doesn't look like a tough tie at all. But as the rope ratchets are adjusted and time passes, you start to see the evil genius her captor exhibits.
14:50 video
Broken, sad and chained by the neck Ashley starts this scene eating the same old sandwich her captors have given over and over during her captivity. Then things get worse. Bad cop 2 walks in. His turn. He roughly ties her up with very scratchy sisal rope and quietly voyeurs her after each position change. These are some painful and tight ties, allowing for very little movement.
6:19 video
In part3 Ashley, now chained by the neck to the bed with no hope of escape, is tied in another new position with her ass up and vulnerable, wearing a head harness ballgag that is so tight she can't possibly get out of it.
17:21 video
In Part 2 Our Hapless Heroine manages to free her bound ankles and runs for the door! Will she make it to freedom? Or just make it worse for herself?
11:49 video
In pt1 of 5 parts, Ashley lane walks out of a bar fairly XXXX in sexy clubwear only to find her car not where she thought it was in this custom video storyline. To her XXXX she realizes her purse was in her car as well as her cellphone! The bar is closed and so is everything else in this small town. Seeing no payphone or other help in sight she starts walking.....in the middle of the night.... Can you imagine if you saw THAT sight when you were driving home? You would help her right? Ya. So would I! Along a deserted warehouse area in the city Ashley is repeatedly stopped by Johns thinking she is a XXXX. Now the bad news. Really dangerous guys stop. Undercover cops. They tell her they are going to take her in for XXXX. All the while Ashley is pleading and trying to get them to understand that she is not a XXXXand that she only needs a ride! They read her her rights, cuff her and put her in the car. As they drive along, poor Ashley practically begging, she notices that they are not going the right direction. Are they really taking her to be arrested? Or something worse?
12:38 video
As in the last cliffhanger episode we caught a glimpse of Ashley in yet another crazy tie by Lews wonderfully demented new henchman. At we think Lew is going to have another stern talk with him....but then decides Ashley is just too hot pass on. Here in Pt 4 Lew has a little fun with our bikini bound heroine.
9:39 video
So we are in Australia on my Lewbari Weekend tour and Zonah - who promised to not do that whole drama thing this trip - starts acting up. This is the first stop on the tour and I'm not going to put up with it the whole 6 weeks we are in Oz. So I shove her over the railing, tie her up n tie her down and give her a good spanking. I sure hope this works. Otherwise I'm going to have to get rough.
10:32 video
Myssie didn't take long to get comfortable in the Lew Rubens studio. She start teasing Lew right away! We left a few of the silly scenes in during the tie process. Myssie has a dynamite backbend/back arch and Lew exploits it well in this sexy tie, complete with a couple transitions that turned out kinda nice.
7:59 video
At the end of Pt 2 we saw a glimpse of Ashley in a sexy tie that the evil henchman put her in. Now we get to see this tie and watch Ashley struggle beautifully in it while Lew takes his slightly crazy henchman out of the room for a long talk. By the time they return Ashley is just about totally worn out from fighting the ropes. Lew think he has his goon under control now and tells him to release her from this tie and tie her up right. As Lew is leaving the room, his partner in bondage crime says his famous last words yet again. "I got this boss!" Uh-oh...
7:21 video
The next installment of this video opens on Ashley sporting a bit more rope than it seems might be necessary for a the situation. Due mainly to Lews slightly "not right in the head" Henchman. Watch out for this guy Ashley!! Don't trust him! Oh wait. She can't do anything but make lovely sounds of fear whenever she is left alone with him. And that she does....often.
6:00 video
Poor Ashley Lane. If she would just be a little more careful maybe she wouldn't find herself in so much trouble all the time. But maybe she likes trouble?Ashley, wearing only a bikini and heels, is getting ready to leave to the beach and gets a XXXX at her door. She opens it to find two gas company guys who might appear a bit suspicious to some of us. They tell her that there have been gas leaks reported in the area and they want to come in to make sure she is "safe". Ashley, impatient and in a hurry, makes a quick decision that could cost her a lot and invites them in. It's all downhill from there for Ashley but the would be robbers are very happy and quickly up their game to and white slavery. One of the robbers appears to be a bumbling fool but he seems to have some bondage skills? Stay tuned for parts 2 thru 4 of this fun little cliffhanger mini movie. This was a custom video and we had great fun making it. I love that this custom guy insisted on keeping the high heels on Ashley throughout the video! Contact me any time to make YOUR custom fantasy come true.
13:37 video
This clip continues where the last one dropped off. Drea STILL tied in the wrist ankle classic tie. This time she is secured to the ottoman belly up. Then her hair is pulled back under it and tied to her waist. At one point she claims that her drool was running into her nose. I paid her no attention then XXXX her to orgasm with a hitachi.
13:14 video
The wrist ankle tie is a classic for me. The possibilities for bondage for sex are endless. Think about all these position possibilities as you watch Drea squirm sexily: Face down on her tummy....you can come in between her legs to take her. Kneeling forward and you can take her doggy style. Turn her over and you have a helpless bondage missionary position. In THAT position, if you lift up under her knees, then grab her neck you have a hot position that makes her cum quickly. Yes....gotta love a good wrist ankle tie...