10:00 video
Yaaaa....By now you are getting that Poor Lucy doesn't stand a chance of winning "The Race" but what is she going to do? Just lay there? No, of course not. Even when she is tied the way she is tied. Inescapably. Completely inescapably. She is still going to try to get away. And it's dam hot to watch her try.
16:13 video
So, some producers like to write a super long novel for their clips write ups. Some just write a few words and let the pics sell the clip. I generally do something in between. This time....just watch the clip. If you like tight leather straps and a girls struggling hard and being driven crazy with a hitachi....check this one out. It's dam hot.
8:22 video
After our hero (Yes! In MY videos the bad guy is the hero!) has a little fun with Lucy, he comes back and says he needs to go to the store for beer and chips and he bets he can get there and back before she can get to the neighbors house. Then he leaves. She stands up and realizes that with the toe tie, she can't inch forward safely and must hop to get anywhere! But it's her only chance! She has to try! She hops to the door. Hops more to get it open and goes into the hallway.... Will she make it? Will she fall and not be able to get back up? Tune in next week. Same bat time, same bat channel!!
22:23 video
Sarah Miller had just celebrated her 3rd year with the FBI. Thinking back over her short tenure it seemed like much longer. Her first year was spent languishing in the file room. An over paid secretary with a license to carry a and handcuffs, her friend and best bud Mandy Moore used to say. Mandy was the main reason Sarah had survived those boring days. They had become more that partners and roommates, they had become kinky bondage lovers. Their first break had come when they had joined a special anti-terrorist task force and had been captured on their first mission by the bad guys, really bad guys. But they had survived that and in the end came out heroes. Fast forward now to reality. Life had been pretty routine since then. Mandy and her were still living together and playing bondage escape games whenever they had the time but assignments had kept them separated on the job for most of the time. Sarah’s current assignment was no exception. The FBI had been investigating Santos, a South American XXXX lord who got his name for the way he liked to torture and his enemies. He had been hard to pin any evidence on until someone in his organization gave the FBI a tip. Armed with this new found intelligence Sarah was assigned to sneak into his office to seize the logbook that they had been told would hold the evidence that would convict Santos. Late in the evening after Santos’s office was empty Sarah dressed in night camouflage tights, picked the lock to his office and began her search for the logbook. Methodically and slowly in minimal light she searched until something stopped her cold in her tracks. A sound, was that a foot step, a door latch? Sarah never had the time to find out. Swiftly a hand holding a white cloth pillow case dropped it over her head. A gloved hand covered her mouth and Sarah gasped for breath and .
8:00 video
Poor Lucy finishes putting her laundry in the washer, turns around and there he is!! Shortly after he is leading her up the stairs of her own basement well bound and gagged. This guy isn't taking any chances. Her arms are tied behind her back at wrists and elbows with leather thongs. Then to make sure escape is impossible, he adds electrical tape from wrists to elbows. It's sooooo tight her elbows are crushed together. (Her arms stay in this position throughout this 4 scene movie!) He leads her with a neck rope to her own room, throws her down on the bed and tapes her ankles and knees. Then he has a little fun with her....
18:28 video
Sarah Brooke has the information. The bad guy wants it. Torture maybe? But that can be so messy....and Sarah is sooo beautiful. Maybe there is another way? Torture by Hitachi? Lets see how that works shall we?
14:16 video
Ashley doesn't realize it yet but she has already "secured" the spot in Lews show. But just for fun lets watch her squirm n squeal in a spread eagle orgasm fest shall we?
19:31 video
Raven has the most delightful nipples to be mean to. Perky, shapely and VERY sensitive. So sensitive that we are all very lucky she lets us torture them! So I use a device I actually make and sell on my store: The dreaded Nipple Tree! It looks so harmless just sitting there.... And I put her into a nice bondage missionary position so you have a great view while you are enjoying her discomfort.
14:58 video
After a slow but very sexy start, Ashley is back to try again! This time she is very determined!!
16:21 video
ot much I like better than a woman stretched out spread eagle. Helpless. Vulnerable. No way to escape. No way to stop me from doing whatever I want to her. At first I just make the tie kinda tight. Then every few minutes that ratchet goes click, click, click. At every click her eyes go wider. After a bunch of clicks she feels like her joints are going to pop. Those eyes go real wide then. I have her right where I want her.
18:58 video
The Amazing Lew is auditioning for his new Sexy Escape Challenge Act and has narrowed down the field of applicants to Ashley Lane and Lucy Purr. This is Ashley's first try and much to both our surprise she had to tap out!! Ashley NEVER taps out!! Never fear, she returns to try again and honestly....a tap out means it was a pretty hard scene, so I'm letting you all check it out.
8:25 video
A few years ago, I created a toy that friends wouldn't let me put out on the market. It's a posture collar with a pressure cuff mounted on the inside of it. Let that sink in a minute. Yaaa....scary for some and great fun for others but dangerous to all. Well Wenona heard me talking about it and her eyes lit up. After a short amount of unnecessary but appreciated begging, I relented. This is what came out of it. NOT for the squeamish.
20:55 video
Venus Fair is Europe's version of AVN which is a big porn awards show. Drea and I got to go and we did stage shows every day. This gives everyone an idea what a stage show is like and it also shows cool ties step by step for those who want to learn.
20:00 video
Again....with the simple clip name on a very not simple clip. I love rope ratchets. The daunting click, click, click and the perfect control of the tension. Most body parts once you wait a couple minutes after tightening them and they will miraculously tighten again. and again. The tricky is hoping you know the breaking point and stopping before you break your toy. Sarah is one the most well made bondage toys anywhere. She just keeps bending. I hope no one breaks her cuz I want her back again. But i digress. This predicament is not simple and would take a novel to explain it well. Just watch it. You won't be disappointed. I know I'm not and I'm hard to please.
15:14 video
Not sure how many people realize how much John Willie gave to all of us kinky people but he did give a lot. From Sweet Gwendolyn, to his artistic renditions so many unique and original ideas. I redesigned a small steamer trunk to accommodate a girl because of a pic I saw that John Willie created. This is my second video showcasing this concept. Sarah Brooke fit it well.
10:03 video
It seems that I must not be pushing Raven hard enough. Right after she comes out of one tie, she wants to go right back into another. Of course I oblige. I leave her in the box arm tie, the cross leg tie AND the ballgag... undo the balltie rope, turn her over and crank down a hogtie that has her rocking on her pelvis! She feels this one folks. Then I slide those great breasts off the edge and hang nipple clamps on them. Maybe this one should have been named Double Trouble or Out Of The Frying Pan Into The Fire?
19:01 video
Raven and I have worked together several times now. I step it up a bit every time. This time is no different. Bondage purists stuff. No storyline, no frills. Tie her up tight, gag her tight and just watch. I love this stuff!
19:59 video
I got a new bondage tinker toy set made by a friend and Lucy tested it for us in some bondage purist videos that showcase Lucys beautiful bondage body, her top shelf ballgag lips and some of the possibilities of this fun new toy!
15:13 video
With Hitachi!! I mean, an inverted crotchrope, wrist ankle tie is hot enough. But when you add the Hitachi the girl has trouble staying still. And when you move lots in a tough tie, it hurts. If it hurts that sometimes makes some girls cum more, wheich makes them wiggle more, which makes....well you get it right?
15:21 video
Oh gawd....another chair tie... That's what you are thinking right? No. Wrong. This one hurts and she is afraid. Often. As we get to know each other better, I push her harder.
15:07 video
Wenona finally came by!! It was so great to work with her again!! This is the first of 4 or 5 scenes we did and I gotta tell you. There is a reason she is an industry icon. We have worked together many times in the past and I'm reminded that there IS such a thing as a relaxing shoot. Members and customers have been asking for more Stocks in a Box clips and they get what they want with this one and so much more. Check it out... We did this whole scene and at the end I realized that I forgot to get out the Hitachi and plug it in. I'm downstairs in the basement, the Hitachi is upstairs....Wenona has been in the box nearly 15 minutes total and I tell her there is no way I can go get it in time to give her orgasms before she wears out. So I call it off. THROUGH the ballgag, she says "It's ok, go get it" I said "! ok!" I go get it, connect it up and we start filming again. I bring her to a delightful orgasm and by the end her legs are shaking....but it was dam hot. Horray for Wenona!!!
16:05 video
Caught again, our lovely naked heroine Sarah Brooks is being tied up while struggling. The bad guy SAYS he will give her a slight chance by throwing a pair of safety scissors. Telling her that if she can get to them she might be able to get loose by finding them. But super villians don't get to be "super" by taking chance and unbeknownst to Sarah, our bad guy picks up the scissors on his way out with a snicker. What an asshole! Soooo....maybe Sarah can get loose without them? Lets watch and see.
8:21 video
Last part in this terrific series!
13:29 video
This is the first video I made with Trip Six. I had an idea she might be tough and this one proves it. I start with her standing, wrists tied behind her back, ankles together and gagged. She looks dam good already but I gotta add more rope. I begin adding more leg ropes and making her keep her balance while doing it. Which is no easy feat in six inch no platform high heels! By the time I finish with most of the rope she is beginning to tire. It's the stabilizing muscles that wear out first. Balancing gets harder and harder. Then, to make it worse....I pull her head back. That really messes with her balance. Go ahead. Try it. Stand there with your ankles together, hands behind you back and then look up. Vertigo hits most of us there. But to her credit she doesn't fall and break her face. lol But what does happen is interesting....
13:36 video
The scene opens with Drea tied in a squatting spread eagle tie which is tightened shortly. After adding a gag her wrists are tightened again to a very uncomfortable level. After her first orgasm nipple strings are added to add a little pain which helps her second orgasm arrive quickly. A little light XXXX hastens another. This position gets very uncomfortable quickly....especially after the Hitachi is turned off.
22:01 video
I'd been waiting for years to find the perfect blackout contacts for play. Turns out they were WHITE! But finally! Found some that really, really work! She can sense major light changes like your eyelids do in bright sunlight but that is ALL. It's hot yet creepy to see her eyes wide open but she can't see a thing. During the tie I play with her a bit and when I go to hit or slap her she flinches.....but that's because she knows me so well. I even mention it on the video. Super tight ties as usual and now all of my productions will be in HD. Dreas skin is amazing in HD. Just watch.
2:09 video
5:19 video
Some people think Emily Addison isn't all that tough. I'm here to tell you that's not true. These zipties are TIGHT. Then I tighten them more! She bounces around on the bed while the ties cut in deeper. And what ballgag lips she has! Tasty Emily is looking dam good in this clip
7:30 video
Petitie and very flexible, Michelle can take some wicked ties. Watch her move all over the place in a tie you wouldn't think she could go anywhere in. One place she doesn't go is to escape. No matter how hard she struggles not a rope loosens.
15:27 video
Alisha Adams endures a tight chair tie perched high on a coffee table.
9:22 video
RIGHT after I put Galas through her ballgag predicament, without even untying her legs and with very little rest I started her on a much meaner predicament bondage. After a short rest to regain circulation in her wrists I started tying them again with one long 30ft rope. I finished the tie with NO KNOTS. Then as I was attaching her neck rope to an overhead point, and adjusting it so she had to work hard to hold her head up, I told her that this was an escape challenge. And that her wrist tie had no knots and she had to get loose before she got too tired. She never did get her hands loose.
40:19 video
Summer plays the beautiful victim in this tightest of tight Joel custom videos. This is about the 7th or 8th time I have done these customs for Joel. All of the videos I have done for him are THE TIGHTEST TIES I HAVE EVER DONE!! Really people there is NO REASON to tie someone up this tight! Check it out and tell me if I'm wrong.